July 27, 2024

Our Methodology


Primary Research Driven
People are the most reliable source in China, and therefore we gather data and insights through in-person, in-depth and discussion-based interviews with customers, competitors and distributors. Fieldwork is one of our core competences, with around 3,000 interviews conducted each year, all by our own consultants. This is an exacting approach in terms of gaining access to interviewees, travelling to meet them, and synthesizing the findings afterwards. Nevertheless, we believe it is indispensable, providing clients with a real feel for what is happening in their markets and why.

Iterative Testing
Iterative Testing: Despite following a structured and systematic analytical process, our progress is actually iterative rather than linear. In addition to using our fieldwork to gather data and insights, we also test strategy ideas with interviewees. With each iteration of interviews we then gradually refine and strengthen the strategy. By proactively testing strategy ideas in this way, the final solution becomes more workable and actionable.

Touch Points
Touch Points: Although there is no need for us to work on-site with clients, we do schedule frequent touch points. We use these touch points to share findings to date and raise strategy ideas. This gives clients the opportunity to provide feedback, influence the direction of the project, and ensure the solution will be workable from their side. We also run workshops with a wider group at milestone points, helping to encourage alignment between the various stakeholders. This organizational buy-in puts the client in a position to move to implementation following the project.

InterChina has developed expertise in select sectors to further our delivery of pioneering and practical solutions ...
Our Vision
In China's dynamic business environment, InterChina will maintain and further strengthen our position as a leading boutique management consultancy...
The InterChina Insight serves as our platform to share our views on investment, market and functional topics related to doing business in China ...